AUTO1 Group Price Index

The European Used Car Price Report

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The AUTO1 Group Price Index shows the monthly evolution of used car prices across Europe. By analyzing AUTO1 Group’s database of around 4.2 million used car transactions Europe-wide, AUTO1 Group has developed a pioneering index to improve data transparency in the used car market and give insights into wholesale prices. The starting point of the AUTO1 Group Price Index is January 2015 with a reference value of 100. The AUTO1 Group Price Index is published on a monthly basis.

The Latest Index

The AUTO1 Group Price Index indicates a slight uptick in used car prices in June 2024, moving up from 137.9 in May to 138.2 in June, marking a modest increase of 0.2 %. Despite this monthly rise, the year-over-year trend continues to show a decline, with used car prices falling by 9.2 % from June 2023 (152.2) to June this year (138.2). Year-to-date, the index moved from 142.0 in January to 138.2 in June, reflecting a 2.7 % decrease.

Used car prices are still 16.6 % higher than before the COVID-pandemic, measured in June 2019 when the index was 118.7.

auto1 group index image approach

“As the European market leader we offer the largest selection of used cars in all price categories in more than 30 European countries. By leveraging our transaction data since the company's foundation, we have developed a pioneering index that measures pricing trends in the wholesale used car market.”

Moritz Lück
SVP Sales & Operations
3 auto1 group index moritz

Moritz Lück
SVP Sales & Operations


Index basing:

The starting point of the AUTO1 Group Price Index is January 2015 with a reference value of 100. From the index start, AUTO1 Group considers their European data consistent enough to provide representative insights into price developments.

Processed data:

The index includes all AUTO1 Group wholesale transactions since January 2015. The vehicles of the data set are representative of the European used car market.

auto1 group index methodology

Data Cleaning

Prices, ages and mileages outside the [0.5; 99.5] percentile range are considered as outliers and are not considered for the index.

Index Calculation

AUTO1 Group calculates the mean sales prices for each month. To provide a statistically robust analysis on the data set, those mean prices are calculated monthly based on various categories (for example vehicle classes, fuel types, mileage ranges) whose distributions are used as weights. The index is calculated based on current and aggregated past weights.

Seasonal Adjustment

A 12 months based additive decomposed model is used to extract and remove the seasonality component from the index.